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Get access to all DALSEN's features for just $20 per year.

Subscribe: Text

If you are currently listed as NBC (on leave/New Hire), you already have access!  Simply download and enter your employee number see your projections.  Active pilots, enter your six-digit employee number below and click "Subscribe." After completing PayPal's payment process, click "Return to Merchant" to download the app to your personal device if you haven't already.  Please allow a day for the database to be updated with your subscription information.  Your access will run for one year, through the end of that calendar month.


This subscription will automatically renew in one year.  If you do not want to sign up for this, you can cancel auto-renewals directly through PayPal or by contacting; alternatively, you can use the Venmo link below to make a one time payment.

Subscribe: HTML Embed

To pay with Venmo, scan or click the QR code below, and be sure to include your employee number in your payment message.  Please note that automatic resubscriptions are not available outside PayPal, and you'll have to subscribe again when access expires next year.

Subscribe: Image
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